I remember when Amazon first appeared on the scene, my brother a teacher (now retired) had started to use them and found that he could get any book he wanted, cheaper faster and more easily than using the old highstreet route of Waterstones.
Things developed and now Amazon is almost an unstoppable force online, their site is actually clunky and not that user friendly but it works and their scale means they can drive huge volume and attract almost any serious online seller.
So great is their scale that they are now classed as a whole sales channel, so Natural Search, Pay per click, Social Media, then Amazon and ebay.
I met with a new potential client recently and was impressed to see they had grown from zero to £200K monthly and a large % of this was Amazon, now this client is savvy and has great product supply contacts, but it shows how a startup can benefit from the strength of an open to all merchant like Amazon and Ebay.
Of course they take a % of all sales which means you need to develop your own brand so you are not dependent on them, and if they choose to kick you off their platform then they have you between a rock and a hard place as the saying goes.
I've spent some time experimenting with my own App listing on Amazon which was launch this week, I've no idea how free products fare on their platform so it is something of a learning experience for me, but I am open to believing that it will help, having a backlink from Amazon is helpful from an SEO point of view and of course hopefully will get a load of sign ups also.
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